Wednesday, February 6, 2008

civic duty

Let's talk elections. I'm proud of my current state of residence for awarding its votes to Barack Obama, and particularly pleased with Utah County for giving Obama 66% of the democratic vote, the 3rd highest percentage in the state after Summit and Cache counties (69% and 67%, respectively). On the red side of things, Utah County placed first in highest portion of votes for Romney, with 94% of the county's republicans or unaffiliateds supporting that man. Unfortunately, he did not fare as well in the rest of the country. I have a hard time not thinking a lot of people in the south and east are stupid at times like these. I don't want to feel those things, I love those regions and those people, but come on guys, McCain? Who self-admittedly doesn't understand the economy very well? I mean, I could understand if we were voting for this guy:

If the John McCain of 1974 were running, I'd give him all of my votes based on sheer hotness. But that's not who we're dealing with. We're dealing with an old belligerent not well-enough educated man. Who does sketchy sketchy things in West Virginia. People, stop voting for him.

Back to the democratic side, though, I'm still feeling happily confident about Obama. I've got to ask, though: California, what is your problem? I thought you knew better. Why couldn't you listen to your first lady of state? Maybe it would have been better if one of these women had publicly endorsed Barack Obama.

Personally I wouldn't listen to Joyce Palmieri/Rachel Crisp; she has a bit of a history of choosing bad men to support. But maybe the others would have worked. I mean everyone loves Kelly Preston.

If your primary hasn't happened yet, please make sure you're registered for it and please participate in it. I'm getting nervous that we may end up with a vote between Clinton and McCain, in which case the main decision I'll be worried about making is which country I'll be re-locating to. Maybe though that will allow for Obama and Romney to run together on an independent ticket! That's plausible, isn't it? No?


Kyle said...

oh, diss linda hamilton

Tracy said...

I decided I wanted love interests only. And Danny DeVito.

Pace said...

Ok so Danny is the girl in the last pic... glad you clarified.

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid I didn't vote again. :( The thing is, I found myself as a registered republican. Not much good I can do there in Utah. Anybody but Hillary is my battle cry.

Matsby said...

I didn't vote beause I wasn't registered. But I told my wife to vote for Obama and of course she did.

Anonymous said...

McCain may have been hot back in the day, But lately he looks (and is about as old as) like a turtle, I don't think I could handle turtle man as president

T.R. said...

but a Shark Man would be a different story altogether.
