Wednesday, August 27, 2008

challenge: hurled


I know your existence is the basis for my earning a living and all that, but please go away.

Thank you. Now I can enjoy parking spots and short lines at Target and no waits in restaurants again.


Karon said...

I visit the Orem Walmart more often than I would like to admit. The last few trips there, however, were miserable because of all the students. Today, I went to the Walmart in Lindon. Much better.

Joy said...

Amen! I dread this time of year in the Utah Valley. I NEEDED to have Brick Oven for dinner tonight, and it wasn't until we were already in the car that I realized this may very well be the craziest night of the year to go to Brick Oven. And yes, I think that half of Provo went to Brick Oven tonight along with us.

Anonymous said...

Can I stay? I don't have a fun enough life or enough money to be able to go to Target or Brick Oven. And I don't have a car... plus, I'm fascinating company.
