I'm not going to lie. I may have shed a tear or two looking at that little white X on that 8 bit screen today.
Let's go change history, America.
I was just as happy to cast my vote for the Republican ticket. No matter what happens, and I am afraid it is inevitable, I will hope and pray for the best for our country.
1: tale, story 2 a: a chronological record of significant events (as affecting a nation or institution) often including an explanation of their causes b: a treatise presenting systematically related natural phenomena c: an account of a patient's medical background d: an established record
We are changing the story of the nation, and yes, through significant events.
I was just as happy to cast my vote for the Republican ticket. No matter what happens, and I am afraid it is inevitable, I will hope and pray for the best for our country.
Is it possible to change history... I mean unless you have a time machine... you could make history
Main Entry: his·to·ry
Pronunciation: \ˈhis-t(ə-)rē\
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural his·to·ries
1: tale, story
2 a: a chronological record of significant events (as affecting a nation or institution) often including an explanation of their causes b: a treatise presenting systematically related natural phenomena c: an account of a patient's medical background d: an established record
We are changing the story of the nation, and yes, through significant events.
Is that picture taken where I think it was taken???? ;) Also, you are my hero for wearing that shirt to work.
I think history is being written as I type. Yay!
Yay Obama!
So by your definition, if I said I want to change my socks, it means I want to put another pair of socks on over the old socks?
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