Thursday, August 14, 2008

weensy powders

Okay so in general I do not recommend a complete lack of organization as a lifestyle. It certainly causes me more trouble than it benefits me and I know I would be a lot better off if I would keep things in their place and have every bit accounted for. But! There are rare occasions where it pays off big time, and they almost make all the other confusion and disarray worth it. For example, when you are finally, finally, going through all the stuff you have stashed in your closet haphazardly to be sorted out and dealt with later, and discover that you have a completely full, unopened bag of these waiting for you, in August.

Family size, fools.


Ethan T said...

GRUUHHHHHhhh ,,1! 1

Anonymous said...

Family size, you say? Good thing you have a bunch of family coming over today. :D

Anonymous said...

That makes me jealous beyond belief. Save some for me.

Ems said...

that kind of makes me hate you a bit (in a totally good way).

Nada said...

that's one good surprise. I'm green all over.
